I made this page of recorder links so that our Pretty Water students could learn how to read music and play the recorder. I have printed off the music to these play along songs and have them available in my classroom. I also have some beginner pages on how to play the recorder.
According to research:Learning musical instruments offers numerous benefits, including enhanced brain function, improved cognitive skills, increased self-confidence, and enhanced social skills, along with the joy of making music.
These links are primarily for older students, but there are so many great youtube channels out there about learning the recorder, I am sure you can find one right for you.
Please contact me if you have any questions jjones@prettywater.k12.ok.us.
We Will Rock You Recorder Play Along
Uptown Funk Recorder Play Along
Can Can Recorder Play Along
Yellow Submarine Recorder Play Along
Wayfaring Stranger Recorder Play Along
Recorder Lessons for Beginners - 1 How to Play Recorder START HERE #recorder #tutorial
Learn To Read Recorder For Beginners
Recorder Lesson One: The Basics