Monday 03/03/2025 |
Tuesday 03/04/2025 |
Wednesday 03/05/2025 |
Thursday 03/06/2025 |
Friday 03/07/2025 |
Reading 9:00-9:45 |
Read WB and WS pgs. 193 & 194 |
WB pg 196 and WS pgs. 195 & 196 |
WB and WS pgs. 197 & 198 |
WB and pgs. 199 & 200 |
Reading Test # and AR Test |
Math 9:45-10:35
Measuring with rulers |
Cut and Paste Measuring |
Pirate Measurement Around the room |
yd, ft, m, cm, area and perimeter |
Area and perimeter with Cheeze-its |
Recess & Lunch 10:35-11:05
Recess |
Recess |
Recess |
Recess |
Recess |
Lunch 11:20-11:45
Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
Spelling 12:00-12:45 |
Unit 25 5x’s each |
Basketball Game |
Book pgs. 106-108 and Word Search |
Practice Test and WS pgs. 139 & 143 with Crossword | Test |
Computers/PE 12:45-1:30
PE |
Reading Eggs |
PE |
Reading Eggs |
PE |
Languag MWF Social StudiesTTH 1:30-2:30
WB pgs. 78 & 79 Book Titles | Science |
WB pgs. 80 & 81 Adverbs how, when, and where |
Science |
WS Adverbs how, when, and where |
Read AR/Handwriting 2:30-3:10
AR and HW WB pg. 61 & 62 l and b | AR and HW pg. 63 & 64 Review | AR and HW pg. 65 | AR and HW pg. 67 and 68 h and f | AR and HW pg. 69 and 70 k and r |
*Assignments subject to change
Spelling Unit #25
We are reading “Fossils Tell of Long Ago.” The test will be on Friday. Your child needs to know the meaning of these six words. 1. buried 2. creatures 3. fossil 4. fresh 5. layers 6. millions |
March Birthdays
Lacie 6th
Madelyn 10th
Wyatt 31st