Because the students are interested in what they are doing and having such a great time, I rarely have discipline problems.
However, they do come up occasionally and I start out using positive messages, but if those do not work students may have to go to time out for a few minutes.
We have classroom rules to help educate our students and keep them safe.
The rules are:
1. Stay with your teacher
2. Follow directions
3. Be kind
Please talk to your child about our rules.
1. Stay with your teacher
We go to the playground and cafeteria during the school year.
For example, if I am inside the white border on the playground, students must stay with me.
They cannot go play on the porch.
If we are going inside students cannot stay on the playground.
We want to keep our class safe.
Please tell your child to always stay with their teacher.
2. Follow directions
Following directions can involve coming inside when I blow the whistle, picking up toys when it's time, and sitting and listening during group time.
We have group times for learning.
We ask the children to follow directions by sitting “criss cross applesauce” with hands in their lap.
We ask children to follow directions and listen during group time and save the talking for later times.
We tell them “there is a time to talk and a time to listen”.
3. Be kind
Being kind pertains to keeping hands and feet to oneself, using kind words, and not touching other children's things (water bottles, backpacks, glasses, etc..)
We ask the children to be kind while playing with toys.
Our rule is if an object (toy, block, puzzle piece, or magnifying glass, etc.) is in a child’s hands another child cannot take it out of someone’s hands.
If the object is on the table, floor, ground, etc… It is fair game.
Sometimes children set objects down and get upset if someone else picks them up, but if it wasn’t in their hands other children can play with it.
We tell the children if someone is bothering you “Sign and Say- Stop Please”.
If they do not stop we tell them to “Sign and Say-NO! really loud).
If the child still doesn’t stop we tell them to “run and tell a teacher”.
We tell the children if someone tells you to stop "You Better Stop".
Once students become familiar with our routine and know what is expected of them they usually act in an appropriate manner.
Students are engaged and busy in our class and that helps with behavior.