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"Horses and Hippos" Letter of the Week


   We will be learning about Horses and Hippos this week. 
Hippopotamuses live in Africa. 
They are land animals, but they spend a lot of their time living in water, like rivers, lakes, and swamps.
They rest in the water or mud during the day, but venture out to graze on grass during the night..
A male hippopotamus is called a bull while a female is called a cow.
A baby hippo is called a calf and a group of hippos are known as a herd, a pod, or a bloat. 
Sedgwick County Zoo, an incredible zoo, in Wichita Kansas has two hippos. 

Horses can sleep both lying down and standing up.
Horses can run shortly after birth.
Domestic horses have a lifespan of around 25 years.
Horses have been domesticated for over 5000 years.
Horses are herbivores (plant eaters).
Horses have bigger eyes than any other mammal that lives on land.
Because horse’s eyes are on the side of their head they are capable of seeing nearly 360 degrees at one time.
A male horse is called a stallion.
A female horse is called a mare.
A young male horse is called a colt.
A young female horse is called a filly.
   Ask your child the following questions. 
Where do Hippos live?
What do they eat? 
What is a baby hippo called?
What is a female horse called?
What is a male horse called?
What is a baby female horse called?
What is a baby male horse called?
What do horses eat?
Would you like to be a horse or a hippo for a day?
Ask your child to tell you the definition of our vocabulary words.

North America
  Please have your child show and tell you our Sign Language and Spanish vocabulary. 

Hippo Information
Hippo Animal Planet
All About Hippos for Kids
Hippo Animals for kids
Hippos BBC
Hippo under water
Noise Made by Hippos
Hippo Sounds
Horse Information
Horse animals for kids
Horses by Blippi
Horse Facts
Horses for Kids
Horse Sounds
Ten Little Horses
Autumn Counting
The Hiccupotamus
Kiss Kiss
The Wild Little Horse
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