Pre-K Tulsa Zoo Field Trip
I’m so excited Pre-K will be taking the school bus to the Tulsa Zoo!
When: Friday, March 8, 2024
What Time: 8:00-2:00
What to Bring: lunch (or school lunch) & a refillable water bottle-the zoo has refill water stations.
*If you are not attending please have your child get a school lunch.
What to Wear: A warm hoodie, pants, socks and tennis shoes.
I have safety green shirts the kids will borrow and put over their hoodie.
Please return the green field trip shirts before leaving.
We had enough zoo passes to get all our kids into the zoo when we went in the fall. I hope we can do that again if we get enough chaperons. If you would like to attend as a chaperon please email me as soon as possible.
.Adult entrance fee $14 for an adult admission. You will pay your entrance fee at the zoo.
Please return by Feb. 12, 2024
Gracias, Jonesie
___________________ has my permission to visit the Tulsa Zoo on Friday, March 8, 2024.
Parent Signature_______________________ Emergency phone numbers________________
Please Check____If your child will need a school lunch from the cafeteria.
Please check ____ If you will be attending as a chaperon. Check_____ if you have a zoo pass.
Chaperons may ride the bus or drive their own car.
If you have a younger child attending you will need to drive because we can only have Pretty Water students ride the bus due to insurance purposes. We really need chaperons.
Please check____If you will ride the bus.