Our theme is spiders, snakes, and sloths this week.
There are about 40,000 species of spiders and they are extremely important and helpful because they eat so many mosquitoes and flies.
There are approximately 3,000 species of snakes and they are beneficial because they prey heavily on insects and rodents.
Sloths live in the tropical forests of Central and South America. With their long arms and shaggy fur, they resemble monkeys, but they are actually related to armadillos and anteaters. Surprisingly, sloths are strong swimmers. They will sometimes drop down from their treetop perches into water and use their extended arms to propel through the water.
Our letter is “S”, our word is “GO” because if you see a snake or spider you should “go”, and our songs are “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” and "Ten Little Snakes".
Please ask your child the following questions.
Are all spiders venomous?
Are spiders helpful to humans?
Can all spiders make silk?
What class are spiders in?(arachnids)
Should you ever touch a spider? (NO)
Are all snakes venomous?
Are snakes helpful to humans?
What class are snakes in?(reptiles)
How do constrictors kill their prey?
What should you do if you see a snake?(GO)
Would you rather be a snake, sloth, or a spider for a day?
What do sloths eat?
What class are sloths in? (mammals)
Where do sloths live?
Ask your child to tell you the definition of our vocabulary words.
Please have your child show and tell you our Sign Language and Spanish vocabulary.
no me gusta-I don’t like it
Octonauts S2E1B Sea Snakes Octonauts S4E18 Yellow Bellied Sea Snakes
Interesting facts about Spiders | Educational Video for Kids.
Best Spider Moments | Top 5 | BBC Earth Beautiful Spider Web Build Time-lapse | BBC Earth Don't Be Afraid of Spiders! | Amazing Animals | Backyard Science | SciShow Kids
* SPIDER * | Animals For Kids | All Things Animal TV
Tarantula | Amazing Animals Amazing spider baffles scientists with huge web | The Hunt - BBC
Spider With Three Super Powers | The Hunt | BBC Earth
This Terrifying Spider Hunts Fish Underwater
The Biggest Spider on the Planet | Bite, Sting, Kill Wild Kratts FULL EPISODE | Secrets of the Spider's Web
All About Snakes for Kids: Learn about Snakes for Children - FreeSchool
Flying Snake Hunts Leaping Lizard | National Geographic
Wild Kratts | Cobra VENOM|Wildlife
COBRA CREATURE POWERS | King Cobra vs Spectacled Cobra
Sloth Facts for Kids | Classroom Learning Video
Inside a Baby Sloth Orphanage and Rescue Center | National Geographic
The 'Busy' Life of the Sloth | BBC Earth
Single Swimming Sloth Looking for Love - Planet Earth II - BBC America
Wild Kratts - Relaxing with Sloths
Wild Kratts - Hanging and Swinging | Kids Videos
Meet the Animals 17 | Black Widow Spider | Wild Animals | Little Fox | Animated Stories for Kids
Meet the Animals 14 | Rattlesnake | Wild Animals | Little Fox | Animated Stories for Kids
The Very Busy Spider / Words on Screen, EFX & Music
ITSY BITSY SPIDER - Song for Children
ITSY BITSY SPIDER SONG | Eensy Weensy Spider Song and Lyrics
Letter S
Letter S - Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew | Learn ABC | Sing Nursery Songs
Get Squiggling Letters | Letter S
Learn Letter S! | The Alphabet with Akili | Cartoons for Preschoolers
Phonics | The Letter S (Official Video) Signing for Babies ASL | Letter Sound S | Patty Shukla
Letter S - Learn the Alphabet by Kids Academy
Abdo Kids The Alphabet S | Reading Books For Kids
Learn Letter S | Turn And Learn ABCs | Super Simple ABCs
Write the letter S | Alphabet Writing lesson for children | The Singing Walrus
Alphabet Games | Find the Letter S