Curriculum guidance for OAS. Also includes many helpful websites.
Printable math worksheets for all levels.
This is the teachers portion of Oklahoma State Department of Education. It contains most
links you will need within the SDE site including the home page.
This is where you can find practice test, test blueprints, etc.
These are Oklahoma Academic Standards used for testing.
Easy to use free English worksheets for all ages.
Worksheets, games, activities for all ages and all subjects
Mind-set examples
Helpful for school wide Problem of the Month.
Easy to use and print math worksheets for all ages.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
This is a very useful web-site for everyone when trying to decide if a web-site, movie, video game even music is eductional and what age it it appropriate for.
Lots of information for Pre-K through Middle School.
Rubrics and other good ideas